New Mexico Printables

New Mexico Printables
David Liu / Getty Images

The 47th state to be admitted to the Union, New Mexico became a state on January 6, 1912. New Mexico was originally settled by the Pueblo Indians, who often built their multi-story adobe brick homes into the sides of cliffs for protection.

The Spanish first settled the land in 1508, building a settlement along the Rio Grande river. However, it wasn't until 1598 that the land became an official colony of Spain. 

The United States took over most of New Mexico following the Mexican War in 1848. The rest was acquired in 1853, becoming a United States territory.

New Mexico is part of the area referred to as the "Wild West." One of the most famous outlaws who lived there during the 1800's is Billy the Kid.
It was in New Mexico that the United States first developed and tested the atomic bomb, the weapon that was used for the first time in World War II. And, it was near Roswell, New Mexico where a UFO supposedly crashed in 1947.

The beautiful Carlsbad Caverns are located in New Mexico. The state is also home to White Sands National Monument, home of the world's largest gypsum dune field.

Help your students learn more about the "Land of Enchantment" with these free printable activities.

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New Mexico Worksheet
New Mexico Worksheet. Beverly Hernandez

Print the pdf: New Mexico Vocabulary
Begin exploring New Mexico with your students. Use an atlas, the Internet, or library resources determine how each of these people or places is significant to New Mexico.

For example, according to, Las Cruces makes the world's largest enchilada annually during the first weekend in October at the Whole Enchilada Fiesta.

Students may learn that Carlsbad Caverns is home to thousands of bats and that a cub rescued during a fire raging through Lincoln National Forest in 1950 became the country's most well-known national fire safety symbol: Smokey the Bear.

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Word Search

New Mexico Wordsearch
New Mexico Wordsearch. Beverly Hernandez

Print the pdf: New Mexico Word Search

This fun word search puzzle allows students to review what they've learned about New Mexico. The name of each person or place can be found among the jumbled letters in the puzzle. Students may refer back to the vocabulary sheet as needed.

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Crossword Puzzle

New Mexico Crossword Puzzle
New Mexico Crossword Puzzle. Beverly Hernandez

Print the pdf: New Mexico Crossword
The New Mexico town of Gallup calls itself the "Indian Capital of the World" and serves as a trading center for more than 20 Native American groups, notes Legends of America.

Many adults might remember that the city of Hot Springs changed its name to "Truth or Consequences" in 1950, after Ralph Edwards, the host of the popular radio game show "Truth or Consequences" called for any city to do so, according to the city's website.

Students can unearth these and other fun facts as they complete the crossword. 

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Multiple Choice

New Mexico Worksheet
New Mexico Worksheet. Beverly Hernandez

Print the pdf: New Mexico Multiple Choice
New Mexico's oldest city was founded as a Spanish farming community in 1706. Another popular city, Hatch, is known as the "green chile capital of the world" and holds an annual festival that draws over 30,000 people each Labor Day weekend to taste the delicious pepper.

After students finish this multiple-choice worksheet, expand the lesson by having them explore (or even taste) varieties of green chilies, many of which are grown, or originated, in New Mexico.

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Alphabet Activity

New Mexico Worksheet
New Mexico Worksheet. Beverly Hernandez

Print the pdf: New Mexico Alphabet Activity

Students of all ages can benefit from alphabetizing this list of New Mexico-themed words. Repetition is the key to any good teaching - regardless of the ability level of the student. This worksheet will also help foster thinking skills and vocabulary practice.

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Draw and Write

New Mexico Draw and Write
New Mexico Draw and Write. Beverly Hernandez

Print the pdf: New Mexico Draw and Write
This activity allows children to express their creativity. Students will draw a picture depicting something they learned while studying New Mexico. They can also practice their handwriting and composition skills by writing about their drawing on the blank lines provided. 

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State Bird and Flower

New Mexico State Bird and Flower Coloring Page
New Mexico State Bird and Flower Coloring Page. Beverly Hernandez

Print the pdf: New Mexico State Bird and Flower Coloring Page
The state bird of New Mexico is the roadrunner. This large tan or brown bird has black streaks on its upper body and chest, a large crest, and a long tail. The roadrunner, which can run up to 15 miles per hour, primarily stays on the ground, running only when necessary. It eats insects, lizards, and other birds.

The yucca flower, selected by school children, is New Mexico's state flower. There are 40-50 species of yucca flower, some of which feature roots that can be used as soap or shampoo. The bell-shaped flowers are white or purple in color.

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Santa Fe Post Office

New Mexico Coloring Page
New Mexico Coloring Page. Beverly Hernandez

Print the pdf: Santa Fe Post Office Coloring Page

This printable, depicting the old post office and federal building in Santa Fe, provides a great opportunity to explore the region's rich history with students. The city is filled with museums, a historic plaza, a rail yard, and even nearby pueblos. Use the worksheet as a starting point to virtually explore one of the top tourist destinations in the Southwest.

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Carlsbad Caverns

New Mexico Coloring Page
New Mexico Coloring Page. Beverly Hernandez

Print the pdf: Carlsbad Caverns Coloring Page

No study of New Mexico would be complete without an exploration of Carlsbad Caverns. The area was proclaimed Carlsbad Cave National Monument on Oct. 25, 1923, and established as Carlsbad Caverns National Park on May 14, 1930. The park offers guided tours, a junior ranger program and even a "bat flight" program.

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State Map

New Mexico Outline Map
New Mexico Outline Map. Beverly Hernandez

Print the pdf: New Mexico State Map

Students often don't know the geographical shape of the states, other than their own. Have students use a U.S. map to locate New Mexico and explain to them that the state is located in the Southwest United States. This is a great way to discuss regions, directions - north, east, south, and west - as well as the state's topography.
Have students use an atlas to add the state capital, major cities and waterways, and famous landmarks to the map.

Updated by Kris Bales

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Your Citation
Hernandez, Beverly. "New Mexico Printables." ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, Hernandez, Beverly. (2020, August 27). New Mexico Printables. Retrieved from Hernandez, Beverly. "New Mexico Printables." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 18, 2024).